FNet Docs

Configuring FNet algod nodes

⚠️ This section assumes that you have built the correct version of algod. Other versions may not work as expected.

Configuring an FNet node consists of two steps

1. Get the latest genesis file

The sources of truth for the network genesis are the 3 relays that help run the network.

In case these change in the future, you can fetch the relay hostnames from DNS with a utility like get_genesis.sh

2. Set the FNet DNSBootstrapID configuration value

Set this value in your node's config.json:

"DNSBootstrapID": "<network>.algorand.green"

You can do this with the algocfg command. E.g. if your data diretory is /var/lib/algorand:

sudo algocfg -d /var/lib/algorand set -p "DNSBootstrapID" -v "<network>.algorand.green"