xGov Docs

Interact with the xGov registry on FNet

The Algorand Expert Governance (xGov) is evolving from the first pilot phase (Alpha) to the next iteration (Beta).

According to the result of the Governance Period 12 - Measure 1, new xGovs are:

Participants in the consensus process, with voting power derived from the blocks proposed.

The xGov on-chain architecture will be continuously deployed on FNet to promote early tests and frictionless integration.

xGov Registry

The xGov Registry Application is responsible for the following features:

The xGov Registry streamlines the qualification of regular Accounts and App Accounts (i.e. SP/LS/LP) as xGovs, decoupling the xGov Address (the block proposer) from the Voting Address (used to express voting intentions, i.e. on behalf of SP/LS/LP).

The xGov Registry App has yet to be deployed on MainNet, so its App ID is still unknown.

Applications MUST be able to set and use the future MainNet App ID (once deployed).

Applications with immutable source code, that can not integrate directly with the xGov Registry, MAY opt for the App Creator Onboarding or the Managed Onboarding.


xGov Registry - App ID: 16324508

xGov Registry - App Spec: ARC-2 note of latest self-payment of the App Deployer

  1. Download the App Spec;
  2. Use the Lora App Lab to create an App Interface on FNet, using the existing App ID and App Spec;
  3. Explore the xGov Registry interface.

Some methods require external references to Boxes, App IDs, and Accounts (discoverable with simulated calls).

Relevant methods for xGovs:

Relevant methods for Proposers:

Relevant methods for Voters (xGov delegates):


The Proposal Applications are responsible for the following features:


The integration with Proposals is not required.